The flea lifecycle

The flea is a very common parasite in our mild environments.  And unfortunately our pets are often its target…  It feeds on blood and the female can absorb it up to 15 times its weight. By biting and absorbing the blood, the flea injects substances which cause irritation, but which can also cause a hypersensitivity reaction, an “allergy to flea bites”, even after a single bite.
An adult flea can lay 2,000 eggs in the first 100 days of its existence, and all of these eggs end up in the environment. After a week, these eggs hatch and give birth to larvae which will surround themselves with a cocoon (pupa). Sheltered from its cocoon, the young flea can survive several months if the external conditions are bad. A simultaneous hatching will take place when the animal or its owner returns!
The fight against fleas must therefore mainly be done on the animal but also in his environment.

Anti-flea products

Treatment of the animal

Shampoos : they wash the animal and eliminate the parasites.  But their action does not last since it must be rinsed.
Sprays : applied on the entire coat of a compliant patient, they must be used every month.
Collars : some are very effective for prevention and sometimes even for treatment. Their effectiveness will depend on the active product they contain.
“Spot on” products : these liquid products are to be placed on the animal’s back are very effective for 1 to 3 months. Some are active against several parasites at the same time.
Tablets : these chewable tablets are very effective for 1 to 3 months. Some are active against several parasites at the same time.

Environmental treatment (carpet, armchairs, parquet, gardens, shelters, vehicles, etc.)

Vacuum cleaning : eliminates up to 60% of eggs from carpets.
Washing : regular washing will limit the amount of fleas.
Sprays : some of these products block the development of the larvae and allow us not to repeat the spraying too often.

In practice

If your pet does not have a flea problem : an anti-parasite collar will be enough to maintain constant pressure against fleas.

In case of mild infestation : a pipette will be placed on the skin every 1 to 3 months depending on the infestation pressure.

In the event of a major infestation : tablets will be administered, and a spray with residual insecticide and larvicide action will be sprayed into the environment.


One should maintain a constant pressure vis-à-vis the parasites, but also regularly and thoroughly check the condition of the skin and hair. In case of problems or doubts, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian and discuss with him the most suitable method of control.